Data Protection

Personal data and its proper processing and protection are already a key part of the daily activities of every business, especially after the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) framework came into force. Personal data and its proper administration and transfer are a key part of the daily activities of almost every business. To achieve and maintain regulatory compliance, we can assist you to:​

  • Ensure that your organisation meets these requirements
  • Implement analysis of and structuring the personal data flows in the organisation and the legal basis for their processing
  • Draft Data Processing Agreements (DPA) to execute with your partners
  • Present correct and complete information about the data you process to all categories of data subjects
  • Check and ensure the compliance of your website or e-shop with the privacy and data protection rules
  • Evaluate your procedures for processing and storing sensitive data, metadata, and transferring data through servers in Europe and/or in any third country
  • Implement Privacy by design & by default
  • Develop compliance of your Terms and Conditions / Internal rules regarding the personal data you collect from your customers, employees, etc.
  • Make sure you have adequate response and protection in case of personal data violation
  • Compliance audits

PPG Lawyers has had thorough and extended experience in the matter long before data protection to became well-known and the GDPR became directly applicable to all EU Member States. The detailed knowledge of the legal framework as well as the practice of CPDP and the other European regulators built our expertise. We not only offer our clients legal assistance and a practical approach to their obligations in the field of personal data protection, but also provide an effective liaison with the Bulgarian regulators to obtain opinions on specific and difficult to interpret problems.